Who we are

We are advisors and force multipliers to busy CEO’s when it comes to all that goes into having enough capital to execute a sound, well thought out business strategy. We have been there before and know what it takes to succeed.

We also know what doesn’t work: complex capital structures, poorly defined markets, over promising and under delivering, over estimating the size of the problem and underestimating the amount of capital needed.

What works is a Great Team with the requisite skills and experience, a Great Product or Service, one that clearly meets a need and a great plan, confidently communicated in an elegantly simple presentation that brings it all together.

Before we were advisors and investors were we successful entrepreneurs and have the kind of experience that actually makes a difference.

What do we do?

We are the connective tissue between companies seeking capital investment and investors looking for unique investment opportunities that they might not otherwise get exposure to.

Since no two companies are the same, our process is tailored to the needs of each client. In its simplest form we understand, advise and execute.

The first step is to understand your company inside and out. What makes you unique and different enough to be compelling? We also get to know the leadership team.

Next we listen to your current pitch if you have one and if you don’t we work together to create one.

Then we tell you what we think – the honest truth - and help you fix it where needed so that your company stands out in the crowd of everyone else trying to attract attention and capital investment.

Finally, we provide you the opportunity to tell your unique story to people looking for equally unique investment opportunities.

Are you ready to take the leap?